*About Us* and jokes!! | JoB InFo | Mini-Stories from a 7 and a 6 Year old!! | 8 and Older Stories | A Wining 7 Year Old or Under!!
Your Logo!!

This is Your's!! It is called:
Add your logo here
Means you can add anything here! Stories, Jokes, pics...

If you would like to know how to make stuff, (stories, funny pic.'s, or even jokes) on here, then click on other links at the top!! Don't worry, you'll find out how. Good luck!! :)
The Compony from Your Logo

This is where I wanted yall to look, KIDS!!!
Okay, are you at the age where you are very creative?? Well,
this is DEFENTLY the right site for you!! If you like to be in plays, right stories, be something like a teacher, tell jokes, be famous, GO AHEAD!! DO THAT!! All you need is a little help from Your Logo. Well, there are some links at the top. Click those, and you'll just see what to do. Just e-mail yourlogoinfo@yahoo.com if you have any questions or suggestions!!
Your Logo Company

Read where there is something over there, underneath this, especailly those little ones!
Reel of Film
Your Logo
Can't Call, so add a draw!!!

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